Please contact cmills [at] (subject: Banner%20for%20Event) (College Communications) about ordering a banner to display at events.
College Communications
Branded Materials
No matter the audience, every communication is a reflection on the College and an opportunity to reinforce our unique identity and character. College Communications appreciates the cooperation of the entire campus community in adhering to our visual identity guidelines.
Digital Assets
Email Signatures
Email signatures should adhere to a standard format. Images (including logos, wordmarks or photos) or copy (e.g. inspirational quotes) should not be added. Review page 37 of the Graphic Identity Standards and Guidelines for more information.
The easiest way to revise your signature is to:
- Visit the Email Signature Master Document.
- Select the signature version that most closely matches your needs.
- Copy that version and paste it into the signature box in your Gmail settings.
- Replace the sample information with your own.
Electronic Letterhead
Our Word template recreates the design of the College letterhead, making it easy to send an official communication through email. This template is for electronic use only.
Need a department-specific version of the letterhead? Please contact hc-communications [at]
PowerPoint Template
The PowerPoint template includes a title page featuring the logo, a text page with bullets, and a chart page pre-formatted using Haverford's visual identity. The font Georgia is used for titles and subheads while Verdana is used for smaller text. You may not change the colors or fonts that appear in these templates.
Download & Print
Fax Cover Sheet
Our Microsoft Word template should be used as a cover sheet for faxing.
Handouts/Memo Sheets
These Word templates are intended for informal communications with internal or external audiences (e.g. meeting agendas or memos). They are not to be used as a substitute for official College letterhead.
- Memo sheet for internal use only
- Memo sheet for internal or external use
- Memo sheet for external use
May incur additional charge for color if printed on a campus copier. Though red is preferred, you may use the black HAVERFORD COLLEGE wordmark version as an alternative when cost is an issue.
Return Address Labels
Small return address labels, for items not being sent in branded envelopes, may be printed in color using Avery 5160 labels.
Temporary Name Tags
Two types of event name tags are available to download and print. The first are self-adhesive labels using the Avery 5095 (red border) template. The second use the Avery 5392 template, designed to be inserted into plastic holders with clips.
- Avery 5095 Template
- For best readability, print the first name in 28pt. Verdana bold type and the last name/class year below in 20pt. Verdana regular type, both in black.
- Avery 5392 Template
- For best readability, print the first name in 28pt. Verdana bold type and the last name/class year below in 20pt. Verdana regular type, both in black. A spouse name, major, or other identifying information may be printed below the name in 14pt. Verdana regular type in black.
Business Cards
Business cards can be ordered from WB Mason.
- Banners and Table Cover
Name Tags - Permanent/For Staff
These tags feature the College wordmark (as pictured) and may also include an office name. Please order from our preferred vendor:
Lauren Duchette
Premium Works, Inc.
lauren [at] (subject: Haverford%20College%20Staff%20Name%20Tags)
Don't see what you need?
Contact hc-communications [at]