Haverford College Lawyers Network
The Haverford College Lawyers Network (HCLN) was formalized in fall 2010 by Michael Gordon '04 and Rahul Munshi '06 in an effort to bring an impressive network of lawyers alive. This network and its resources are open to anyone pursuing a career within the legal field.
If you'd like to ensure that you are receiving information from the College relevant to your career, please update your contact information online or by alumni [at] (emailing Alumni and Family Engagement). Please also feel free to let us know if you have questions or comments about the group.
If you are interested in becoming a member, would like to volunteer your time or talent, or have comments and questions, contact Alumni and Family Engagement.

Haverford and Bryn Mawr lawyers, including alums, their parents, children or spouses. For the 14th year, we will gather at noon on Friday, January 17, this time to hear from Lou Charkoudian ‘03, professor of Chemistry at Haverford. We will meet in person, at Connolly Gallagher, 1201 N. Market Street. Lunch will be provided. If you wish to attend, please reply to cdurante [at] (Chuck Durante.)