Brochure from Professor Boughn Farewell Symposium April 18,2014
Office of theProvost
Retirement & Financial Planning

Haverford College Phased Retirement Program
Haverford College allows faculty the option to participate in a phased retirement program. Please see the accompanying document for further details.
Financial Planning Resources
Haverford offers numerous online financial planning tools and information to help you understand how to plan for retirement and how much you will need to save to meet your retirement goals.
Retirement Plan
Upon the first month of employment, the College contributes an amount equal to 10% of actual salary to a Tenure-line/Continuing faculty member’s retirement program.
Tax Deferred Contribution Plan
In addition to the basic retirement plan, voluntary, tax-deferred contributions may be made under the Haverford College tax-deferred contribution plan. These voluntary contributions can be invested with the same vendors to which the College contributes under the basic plan.
Further details about this program, together with application forms and other more detailed information, is available from the Human Resources Office.