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  • This past December, Joan Gabel '88 was named president of the University of Minnesota, making her the first woman to be appointed to that post in the university's 167-year-history.

  • Essayist and senior managing editor of Washingtonian magazine Bill O'Sullivan '83 on why you should attend Alumni Weekend 2019.

  • Jonah Salz ’78 was grappling with end-stage kidney disease, facing 12 hours of dialysis a week and a long wait for a donor kidney. Then classmate Rick Rybeck stepped forward and changed his life.

  • CEO Amanda Lannert outside Jellyvision's Chicago offices.

    In an industry that celebrates rapid change, gender barriers are slow to crumble. 

  • Emma Eisenberg in a floral shirt standing against a brick wall in Philadelphia

    When Emma Eisenberg ‘09 couldn't find the literary community she was looking for in Philadelphia, she created her own.

  • Dr. Michael Fine in one of his health stations

    Family physician and former Rhode Island state health department director Michael Fine ’75 believes health care should be for people, not for profit.

  • Griffin Vance in the factory where his environmentally conscious clothing line is made

    Disturbed by how much castoff clothing goes into the trash stream, Griffin Vanze ’05 launched a company that makes womenswear out of recycled fabrics.

  • Oscar Wang in the hallway of the Community College of Philadelphia

    Wang is the CEO of CollegeTogether, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting Philadelphia’s underserved students through the college admissions process, and recently started Hospitality Together, a program that places ambitious college-age youth in paying jobs at some of the city’s top restaurants and prepares them for careers in the industry.

  • Haverford "folk" Monopoly board

    More than a dozen years before Parker Brothers marketed its first Monopoly board game in 1935, two Haverford College students—who also happened to be brothers—created their own handmade version.

  • Amancay (Candal Tribe) Kugler performs aerial silk acrobatics for her circus company.

    Yes Ma’am Circus has performed to critical acclaim in Chicago and Philadelphia so far.

  • The Brooklyn-based singer/songwriter commutes to Philadelphia for his steady gig as the mandolin player for the Stonethrowers.

  • Christopher Schlottmann headshot

    The co-author of the recent Food, Animals, and the Environment: An Ethical Approach  spoke to Cat Lazaroff ’89 about the harsh realities of industrial agriculture, personal dietary choices, and how Haverford shaped his worldview.

  • Richard Teitelbaum performing with Anthony Braxton in 2010 at (Le) Poisson Rouge in New York City.

    The Haverford music major's 50-plus-year career includes being a part of Musica Elettronica Viva, among the earliest groups to combine synthesizers with more traditional acoustic instruments.

  • Molly Sheehan in front of an American flag

    Haverford alumni are stepping up as first-time political candidates, boldly challenging longtime incumbents and the political “machine” in their communities. For all, the decision to seek office is an effort to live their values. “If you feel something, don’t just throw your shoe at the TV,” says one. “Do something.”

  • Edelman's piece Goodbye Pork Pie Hat which shows a hat flying over water through mountains

    The sculptor and animator works with found objects to turn the everyday into the masterful.
