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Student Life
The Student Life Division facilitates co-curricular learning and active engagement for every student at Haverford College. Our expert team of professional staff across several offices and departments collaborate with one another–and, importantly, with students–to foster meaningful out-of-classroom experiences. We work together to create an intentionally challenging and supportive environment that is designed to help students achieve their academic and personal goals.
Our collective work focuses on five key domains of student growth and development––health and wellbeing, academic thriving, equity and justice, community building, and life beyond Haverford. This holistic approach imbues the Haverford experience with meaning, impact, and consequence – empowering and preparing students for today and tomorrow.
Community Care and Resources in Response to Israel-Gaza
At a time of conflict and divide, the College is working to bring students, faculty, and staff together to support one another and engage these important issues through peaceful and constructive dialogue. More»
Academic Advising & Support
Haverford students are encouraged to engage proactively and deeply with the range of resources and opportunities available to them. Over their four years, students embark on this exploration process in partnership with several advisors.
The Athletics Department is committed to the belief that physical education is an integral component of each student’s liberal arts education. Athletics offers a wide range of opportunities designed to meet the diverse and changing interests of its students body.
Center for Career and Professional Advising
The Center for Career and Professional Advising (CCPA) helps students to explore options, prepare for opportunities, gain experience through summer and campus involvement, and launch for post-Haverford.
Counseling & Psychological Services
The staff at Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) listen carefully to students in a safe, supportive, and confidential setting. Working collaboratively with counselors helps students better understand what factors are contributing to their concerns.
Health Services
The mission of Health Services is to provide health information and education to students, to provide quality primary health care to students, and to promote the personal growth of students by encouraging self-care/wellness for the maintenance of optimum health.
Residential Education & Student Engagement
Residential Education & Student Engagement (RESE) prepares students for success in an ever-changing world through intentional and inclusive co-curricular programs and engagement opportunities.
Title IX
Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 prohibits any person in the United States from being discriminated against on the basis of sex in seeking access to any educational program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.
Community Guidelines
The Student’s Guide was created to centralize and make accessible important information, policies, and procedures.
Diversity and Equity
The Student Life Division works in close partnership with the Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Access Division to support students, promote campus-wide social justice education, and assist in animating Haverford’s commitment to becoming an antiracist college.