Sociology major Amanda Grolig '19 was selected as the first recipient of the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship Publicly Engaged Scholar Award for her project and presentation, "Restorative Justice Education and Masculine Flexibility." Photo: Kian Williams '22
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Department of Sociology
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Professor Matthew McKeever's course "Measuring Education" explores contemporary political movements to measure learning outcomes in educational institutions and covers such topics as standardized testing for college admissions and development of online learning tools, among others.
On May 17, 2021 senior sociology majors met on campus to present their thesis. Left to right: Jonah Miso Benjamini, Althea Sellers, Sarah E. Evenson, Ethan Wolfie Weiss, Jixin Jia, and Benjamin Loren Connors.

On May 2, 2022 senior sociology majors presented their senior thesis and as part of a sociology department tradition, they are given an "honorary" shirt. Left to right: Seth Todd, Mark Heydorn Gorski, Anastasia Kozittskaia, Maya Wernick, Phoebe May.
Sociology is a scientific discipline that is concerned with understanding the social forces that shape and direct human action. Courses in the department introduce students to the discipline by exposing them to exemplars of what sociology has been, and by asking them to study different aspects of the social world.
We believe that there are a variety of legitimate ways to “do sociology” and we do not seek to privilege any one of them. Our individual courses construct arguments for students to consider, to develop, and to argue against and they provide the analytical and methodological training students need to formulate theoretical arguments and to evaluate those arguments empirically. We want an active engagement from our students as they find their own points-of-view within the discipline, and we expect from them a theoretical and methodological rigor and sophistication within the approaches that they study and adopt.
With Noon to Noon, seniors Emmett Huiskamp and Ellie Baron turn finals week into a performance art piece.