NEW Philadelphia, Justice, and Equity Fellowship Application Cycle

CPGC fellows and partners met last winter for a special networking event organized by associate director Janice Lion. PJEF fellows come out of their fellowships with a rich series of connections and new sensitivities and skills important to community-based work. Photo by Holden Blanco.
The Philadelphia Justice and Equity Fellowship connects career development with social change. CPGC is hiring twelve "PJEFs" - Haverford students in their sophomore, junior and senior years - for academic year fellowships to advance anti-racism and inclusion. PJEFs become part of a network of organizations, professionals and activists committed to social justice movements in the Philadelphia region. Learn more about opportunities for new students and returning CPGC Fellows to apply this August!
PJEF's will engage in three types of paid work:
With the Partner Organization: PJEFs will work up to 8 hours per week during the academic year on projects assigned by their host organization. Jobs requiring in-person work off campus will compensate students for the time they spend commuting.
Fellows will devote approximately 8 additional hours per month on professional development activities, including formal workshops and less formal gatherings with peers over food.
Fellows will complete the following assignments designed to build vocational capacity and work towards individual goals:
Activities required by CPGC Fellowships, including Poster/Ignite Presentation in September October
End of semester reflection in December
Each fellow will have an opportunity to present their work, and/or introduce a speaker, or facilitate a workshop for peers and other community members.
Final report in late April/ early May
This is a competitive application, and preference is given to students who qualify for federal work-study. Interested students should submit an application between August 15 and 31.
All applicants need to have a placement offer from a CPGC Partner or pre-approved organization (If you do not have an offer at this time, visit this page to learn more about applying in the future).
Hiring decisions will be made by Friday, September 1st, and any remaining openings will be filled on a rolling basis.
Additional opportunities may be available in January!
Further Specifics:
Satisfactory program completion will require 75% in-person participation level in informal and formal events. An example schedule is listed here. Future dates will be set to accommodate selected PJEFs’ schedules.
Application Instructions:
Students who have completed CPGC Fellowships with their PJEF host organization:
Email confirming offer from partner to Janice Lion by August 15; Organizations and Fellows must sign the program agreement by August 31
OR … students who have not completed a CPGC-sponsored internship:
Email Janice Lion ASAP to express interest. Application consists of a cover letter and resume and can be sent ahead of the deadline. Prospective Organizational hosts which are not established partners must contact Janice indicating their willingness to offer a position to the student applicant.
Please direct any inquiries to CPGC Associate Director Janice Lion (jlion [at]