The Quaker inventor, activist, and organizer hosted programming relating to ethical capitalist practices, sustainable design, and gender-affirming accessories.
Quaker Affairs
This fall, four Bi-Co graduates from the class of 2016 have joined Quaker Voluntary Service (QVS) on a quest to deepen their spirituality and prepare for a life of service.

Join Haverford students, staff and faculty attending the conference and help build skills and understanding across the campus. Applications due by January 8, 2016.

Ongoing Events
Quaker Meeting for Worship at Haverford College
Fall 2024
Every Tuesday during the semester, 3:15-3:45 p.m., starting October 22 in Stokes 106.
All are welcome for one half hour of open, un-programmed worship in the manner of Friends. This is an opportunity for personal reflection in shared community, a time to hold ourselves and our community in the light of Divine love. No prior experience necessary; just bring yourself. Followed by an optional 15 minutes of sharing and fellowship (3:45-4:00 p.m.)
If you have any questions, please contact bhall [at] (Barbara Hall), Associate Dean of Student Success.