S-Chords Reunion

More than 30 former members of all-male a cappella group the S-Chords returned to Haverford in April. They joined the current S-Chords singers on April 24 for a day of reminiscing and rehearsing and a Saturday night concert in Marshall Auditorium in which the combined group gave a spirited performance of three S-Chords signature songs:“Hurry,”“Maryanne” and "Viva."

Cultural Give and Take
Melissa Nylander '08 aims to give grade school students hands-on knowledge of other lands with a project called The Box Exchange. As part of the project, a class of third-graders at an Ohio school and a group of students at a school in Nepal will exchange cardboard boxes filled with items they think best represent them and their community.
Alumni Weekend Preview: Jack Strobeck '55 Free Associates His Fondest Memories

Good Memories…Good Friends…Do I look that old?...Beautiful Campus…Fall and Spring…The Quad…Ginko Trees…Mioganite…Gil White, Arch Manintosh, Frank Parker, John Roche, Sir Francis Drake, Roy Randle, Norm Bramble, Ernie Pruident, Bill & Pat Docherty, Doc Harter, Pop Haddleton, and Lou Coursey – We all have our own fond memories.
