
Students Headlines

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  • A gallery of images from the College’s 178th Commencement ceremony.

  • Congratulations to the Class of 2016! Follow us here and on Twitter for a real-time update of their graduation ceremony.

  • The fifth annual Tri-College Film Festival featured 19 student films, culled from over 75 submissions. Six of those films were made by five Haverford students, and two won awards.

  • Students, faculty, staff, and their canine pals came together for a walk on the Nature Trail during finals week.

  • The Pre-Vet Society hosted its twice yearly De-Stress With Dogs event, bringing pups from Main Line Animal Rescue to campus to cuddle with students as a study break.

  • Sam Yarosh ’16 is getting ready to graduate with a Haverford physics degree, but he’s already part way through his master’s in systems engineering at the University of Pennsylvania thanks to a pioneering 4+1 program between the College and the university.

  • There were crafts, film screenings, a clothing swap, and locally sourced food in the Dining Center as part of the campus’ myriad Earth Day 2016 celebrations.

  • This signature biology course, which celebrated its 50th anniversary last year, brings together professors from differing research areas to team teach a stand-alone laboratory course dedicated to solving real-world problems.

  • Last week’s Spring Dance Concert took a tour around the world, showcasing the talent of many internationally flavored Bi-Co troupes in Marshall Auditorium.

  • Power Posers is a relatively new student-run club that brings certified instructors from a local studio to campus for yoga classes that are free to students, faculty, and staff.

  • Following a recent Plenary resolution, President Kim Benston signed a pledge that the College would move toward spending 20% of its food budget on ethical, local, sustainable food by the year 2020.

  • Though Michael Weber’s first Pinwheel Day at Haverford was marred by the disappearance of the pinwheels from Founders Green early in the morning, the campus community rallied to still celebrate the springtime tradition.

  • Though the College hasn’t fielded a varsity team since 1972, a new club began biweekly flag football games this past fall.

  • What better way to learn about Congress than from one of its own members?

  • Haverford’s Quaker Consortium allows students like Nguyen to take classes at the University of Pennsylvania.
