By Anonymous; Image by U.S. News Dear Fellow Students, administrators, and members of the Haverford community, I am reaching out with a heartfelt plea for
Student Voices Headlines
By Ceci Cohen; Image by The Guardian Accelerationism is a term that has become synonymous with a certain form of right-wing extremism. While far-right extremists
By Anonymous; Image by Haverford College If you had asked me about my political opinions on Israel-Palestine before October 7th, my reaction would have been
By Anonymous; Image by Human Rights Watch Within both academia and policymaking, international law is held at high standards for ensuring just and fair interactions
By Tanvi Jha; Image by India TV News Within the coming years, the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) is expected to become prominent within international relations.
By Ellie Brem; Image by NBC News On April 15th of this year, conflict erupted in Sudan for the first time since 2019 (Walsh and
By Lorelei Alverson; Image by This American Life On August 28th, 2013, a middle-aged woman with dyed blonde hair and inconspicuous clothing boarded bus 718
By Emma Gross; Image by UNICEF Within the International Criminal Court, the minimum age of criminal responsibility(MACR) is the age at which a person can
By Andrew Cadwallader, Chauncy Wadsworth, & Hassan Ayub Haverford College has always had a strong tradition of consensus voting. Plenary, one of our campus’s most
By Eli Kravinsky; Image from Journal of Democracy As Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine has dragged into the second year, optimism amongst the Western public has
By Sara Fakhry ’26; Image by Human Rights Watch These are not easy times to be a Lebanese citizen. Lebanese people have watched their country
By Emil Turdukulov; Image by GettyImages March of this year marked the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Using the justification that Saddam Hussein
By Jiangnan Lu; Image by Yahoo Finance On April 20, 2023, Argentine Economy Minister Sergio Massa declared that the nation will be able to “program
By Inteemum Ahsan; Image by The Homeland Security Digital Archives The world has recently seen a massive upsurge in AI systems. Starting from the sudden
By Lorelei Alverson; Image by CNBC On March 7th, 2023 a group of twelve bipartisan Senators introduced the RESTRICT Act to Congress. This sweeping piece