
Faculty Headlines

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  • Highlighting faculty professional activities, including conferences, exhibitions, performances, awards, and publications.

  • This sociology class introduces students to the social forces that shape the production of scientific knowledge and technological devices.

  • This history class is an in-depth analysis of Vietnamese history and the country’s struggles for independence and national unification from antiquity to the present day, and it includes an oral history project with members of the “Viet Nam Generation” as a core component.

  • Suzanne Amador Kane and Daniel Van Beveren pose with one of their robotic feathers from their experiment.

    The Haverford physics professor and the physics major co-authored a paper in PLOS ONE describing findings about the biomechanics of peafowl crests during social displays.

  • In this East Asian Languages and Cultures course students read and compare the two most iconic outlaw epics of England and China: Water Margin, about Song Jiang’s band of brothers in Shandong Province, and the many ballads about Robin Hood and his band of merry men in Sherwood Forest.

  • Collaborators on “Dizhsa Nabani,” the result of last summer’s first DocuLab outing, presented their documentary on Zapotec language and culture preservation in Oaxaca, Mexico.

  • This physics course is about everything that oscillates—vibrations and waves in mechanical, electronic, and optical systems—and introduces related mathematical methods, such as functions of a complex variable and Fourier analysis.

  • This introductory anthropology course explores medical systems, health, and healing in a cross-cultural perspective using ethnographic studies and cross-comparative analyses.

  • The Haverford Fine Arts Department recently unveiled a new photography exhibit featuring photographs of the late culinary icon.

  • This political science course introduces analytical perspectives on international relations and explores the evolving structure of the state-based order—which originated with the peace of Westphalia in the 17th century—over the last four centuries.

  • Alexandra Morrison takes samples in Alaska

    A minor since 2011, environmental studies is now a Bi-Co major with two new professors and expanded course offerings.

  • This English course explores the work of British writers in the 1930s who tried to fight rising militarism, totalitarian states, and imperial autocracy with prose and poetry.

  • This history course examines the history of the United States through its built environment—the physical spaces and landscapes through which Americans have constructed their habits, hopes and divisions in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries.

  • Members of the Haverford community celebrated the publication of the first English-language translation of the Odyssey by a woman with a 10-hour-long public reading.

  • Born of a 2001 trip to Cuba with the Haverford baseball team, this history course examines the interrelationship of sport and society from a historical perspective and on a global scale, including a focus on key issues that have shaped the Olympic Games and the World Cup.
