The chemistry major with a biochemistry concentration explored the enzymatic production of organic molecules with medicinal properties for her thesis.
The English major will teach cinema history and production to high school students.
For his thesis, the chemistry major synthesized a new molecule for fellow students to use in the Scarrow lab.
The computer science major is working as a rotation software engineer at Apple, focusing on artificial intelligence and machine learning.
The physics major is pursuing a master’s degree in systems engineering at the University of Pennsylvania, as part of Haverford’s 4+1 program with the university.
For her thesis, the chemistry major studied structure-function relationships of acyl carrier proteins, and how they can contribute to medicinal diversity.
As part of her Quaker Voluntary Service fellowship, the psychology major is working as a developmental staff member with MANNA, a Philadelphia nonprofit.
The psychology major and neuroscience minor used her thesis to study how children understand social categories.
The classical culture and society major is working as a humanities teacher at Fusion Academy.
The chemistry major is communicating with patients and contributing to ALS treatment research.
The biology major is working at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia as a lab technician, studying inflammation and immunology.
The physics major created a framework for building a robotic spotted lanternfly simulation.
The math and linguistics double major will pursue a Ph.D. in math at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
The biology major and health studies minor is starting medical school at the University of California, San Francisco.
The political science major and economics minor studied the opioid epidemic in Philadelphia from a public policy perspective.