The singer-songwriter and poet, who is a part of the long-running band Friendship, recently made his debut solo EP.
Four recent graduates earned 2021–2022 Fulbright Student Awards.
The associate director of Project Censored has a few questions: Who is producing the news you consume? Who (or what) might be filtering what you find online? And how does this limit your ability to be informed and engaged, in your community or as a citizen?
In a new book, Burns, a professor of healthcare management at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, and his co-author trace the country's transformation from a nation of community hospitals to one of large, integrated hospital systems.
Growing out of the ten-year-old Lagim Tehi Tuma/”Thinking Together” program, this education course explores transnational and diasporic Black language study and Black studies by engaging with a community in Northern Ghana.
The photographer's latest book captures swimmers and sunbathers at the Wissahickon Valley Park's basin.
The Haverford English alum, now political science professor at the University of Albany’s Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy, returns to campus (virtually) to share her research.
Walcutt discusses his journey from Texan criminal defense attorney to Australian taco purveyor.
As executive director of the Boston Food Forest Coalition, he works with neighborhood volunteers to reclaim vacant land and transform it into public parks where food is grown.
Denne Michele Norris ’08 becomes the first Black, openly trans woman to helm a major literary publication.
At a recent event in New York for alumni, families, and friends of the College, hosts Alex Robinson ’96 and Charley Beever ’74 honored President Wendy Raymond by presenting her with a large spoon originally presented to Alexander Harvey Scott, Class of 1886, as the most admired person in his graduating class.
The Change Finance President and COO has created the first carbon-neutral exchange traded fund (ETF) on the New York Stock Exchange.
Students and faculty gathered for the 14th annual Economics Alumni Forum to hear about the financial and medical state of the world as a result of the pandemic.
The English major was the second speaker in this year’s Young Academic Alumni Lecture Series, detailing her path in academia and current research.
The computer science major is working as a software engineer at Facebook.