Marcy Dermansky '91- The Red Car: A Novel

Liveright Publishing, 2016
Dermansky has become known as a master of transgression for her mordantly witty novels (Bad Marie, Twins), and her latest offering cements that reputation. Its heroine (a Haverford College dropout whose exit was spurred by an unusually racy Honor Code violation) is living in Queens with a husband she doesn’t love when she inherits a red sports car from a former boss and mentor and is forced to reevaluate her life. During a trip to San Francisco to retrieve the car, she revisits past lives and loves (including her brief time as a Haverford student) as she begins a journey of self-discovery. Declared Kirkus Reviews: “Dermansky delivers a captivating novel about the pursuit of joy that combines dreamlike logic with dark humor, wry observation, and gritty feminism.”