Libraries Staff Spotlight: Ellen Garrison

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Film streaming in the Libraries
Before the pandemic, shifting the Libraries’ physical film holdings (DVDs, Blu-Rays and VHS tapes) to digital formats was a project on the horizon but not a top priority. It was considered a long-term, multi-step project that would ultimately be worth the effort it took as the industry at large shifted away from DVDs and towards streaming media.
In March of 2020, COVID made providing streaming film an immediate necessity, and that project is one Ellen Garrison and other Acquisitions colleagues have been working on in the time since. Providing streaming access requires purchasing a streaming license from the film's rights holder, and a number of other factors such as creating links to the host's platform, monitoring the time frame of individual licenses, and careful data management on the back end of each item to make films available through Tripod and on each individual class's Moodle page.
Throughout this accelerated process, we've learned more about the practical benefits of shifting to a digital film collection. Students are getting less familiar with physical media every year as dvd and blu-ray players become obsolete; removing VHS tapes and DVDs from the library frees up valuable shelf space while digital media is not at risk of physical deterioration. Most importantly, the Libraries' commitment to making all course-required films streamable when possible is a way of ensuring equity of access to all Haverford students.
If you're looking for something to watch even outside of class requirements, here are a few places to start!