Haverford Headlines

  • The former anthropology major will spend 10 months studying issues of public art and censorship in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
  • Haverford's long tradition of Fifth Day Meeting has been reinvented as Fourth Day Meeting. Faculty, students and staff now come together for reflection at a new time (Wednesday mornings at 9:45) and in a new place (The Philips Wing of Magill Library).
  • Johnson will use the Fellowship to research sustainability in gardens throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, and South America next year.
  • Haverford College is pleased and proud to announce that Martha J. Denney is our new Dean of the College, effective July 1, 2009.
  • Instead of sunning it on a beach somewhere, Ingrid Pancoast and Katie Monroe, '12, opted to join other college students in a week of community service in inner city Philadelphia during spring break. They worked on a mural, labored in a community garden, helped out at a public high school and more. Read all about it on their blog.

  • Rocky Kolb is the Arthur Holly Compton Distinguished Service Professor of Astronomy &amp; Astrophysics and the College and Chair of the Department of Astronomy &amp; Astrophysics at the University of Chicago. He is also the co-author of <em>The Early Universe</em> and appeared in several television productions.

  • During winter break, Lloyd battled altitude sickness and temperatures both scalding and frigid as she, her mother and her brother hiked to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
  • President Obama has nominated Hamilton, now a U.S. District Court judge, to the federal appeals court.

  • Continuing a longstanding commitment to making a Haverford College education as accessible as possible to as many as possible, the College Board of Managers has reaffirmed Haverford's commitment to an expanded Financial Aid program while approving the smallest percentage increase in tuition and fees in a decade.
  • Emma's fine arts senior thesis is highlighted in the American Medical Student Association's International Health Journal.

  • The Graduate School of Social Work visiting professor discusses welfare and the economic crisis.

  • Students are serving as Spanish translators for clients and advisers at tax clinics for migrant farmworkers run by Philadelphia Legal Assistance and Philadelphia VIP.
  • Rembert discusses his decision to put aside working for the Peace Corps in order to return to his Ohio hometown after its largest employer left thousands jobless.

  • Grant Firestone '10 got to attend a Paris summit of Nobel Peace Prize laureates along with some of the world's leading human rights activists. Among the highlights: standing elbow to elbow with France's first lady and meeting Martin Luther King Jr's former speech writer.
  • Williams talks about Barack Obama, civil rights and how his philosophy training at Haverford has served him as a TV commentator--and not: "Philosophy teaches how to see yourself and your argument honestly. That is not always an advantage on TV where posturing and outrageous sound bites often carry the day."


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