Chameleon Gravity Models are a dark energy alternative in which low mass galaxies in low density regions of the Universe experience additional gravitational forces. MaNGA Data reveals the offset of systematic shifts between the stellar and gas kinematics.
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Headline Archive for Marielle Latrick
For my research, I performed molecular dynamics simulations of alpha-synuclein, a protein implicated in Parkinson's Disease, on a membrane. My goal was to establish new insights into PD by comparing the behavior of normal and PD-linked versions of aS.
I sought to provide a chemist's perspective on the deployment of chemical "riot control agents" (RCAs) by American law enforcement. I reviewed the scientific literature on RCAs and investigated the chemical munitions policies of 157 US police departments.
We used behavioral assays and machine learning-based tracking to investigate how a gene called Ap2s1, which we know is involved in auditory habituation learning in zebrafish, affects visually guided behavior.
We weren't able to get into the lab for the past summer, but I still successfully understood the data analysis part of the experiment, designed a rough experimental procedure for a heating test to our pump, and on my way designing a lay within the cell.
Our work this summer revolves around validating thread, an algorithm for reconstructing the genomes of ancestral individuals.
I worked with Ariana Sulpizio and Rebecca Koweek to research/write a review article on the importance of type II polyketide synthase acyl carrier proteins in harnessing biosynthetic processes to create pharamaceutically relevant natural products.
The bacterial signaling molecule 2-heptyl-4-quinolone (HHQ) protects the phytoplankton Emiliania huxleyi from virus-induced mortality. This summer, I developed hypotheses to explain this phenomenon and methods to test my hypotheses.
Continuing the research I conducted while in CIEE's Tropical Ecology and Conservation program in the Spring, I investigated antibiotic resistance in soil bacteria near leafcutter ant nests in Costa Rica.
Over the past two decades nitrate and chloride concentrations of exurban Baltimore watersheds have changed and been effected by temperature, weather, and anthropogenic interference. These trends could endanger the health of the environment and residents.
IL-8 (a protein) and its receptors are implicated in the onset of several diseases. My team investigated the role of IL-8 in dogs with various diseases, and we found that IL-8 receptor expression increased in many ill dogs, except for those with cancer.
This study aimed to evaluate the use of stable isotope tracers in identifying the age and source of organic carbon within a temperate lacustrine environment. This was conducted through stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N), and radiocarbon (Δ14C) analyses.
I used molecular dynamics simulations to analyze the effect of various mutations on the ability of the E. coli acyl carrier protein to sequester molecular cargo into its hydrophobic pocket.
Our research with the Spotted Lanternfly Nymphs had two main pathways: the first was trying to get the nymphs to display desired responses of jumping and dropping, and the second was to analyze their self-righting biomechanics.
This summary I did the background research for a project I have been working on for the last ~2 years. I did literature research into the interconnection of wasp's caste system, social behavior, nutrition, reproductive system, and chemical profiles.