During a summer internship at Philadelphia's Monument Lab, Maya Plimack '24 is doing curatorial research and aiding preparations for an outdoor exhibition on the National Mall in Washingtong, D.C.
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John B. Hurford '60Center for the Arts and Humanities
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With Noon to Noon, seniors Emmett Huiskamp and Ellie Baron turn finals week into a performance art piece.

Bringing together a range of Restorative Justice (RJ) practitioners from across the Philadelphia region, the 2025 Mellon symposium explores where restorative justice comes from (its roots), how it has been developing in our city (its branches), and what it might look like in the future (its seeds), all in the hopes of clarifying what alternatives RJ makes possible.

Jan 24 – Mar 7, 2025 Gary Kuehn: In Situ, curated by Sid Sachs, marks one of the largest survey exhibitions in the United States of the renowned American sculptor. Showcasing a range of works by the artist, In Situ sites the work of Kuehn in its rightful place at the center of postminimalist sculpture.
In a summer internship with the Witness Stones Project, Mercedes is compiling primary source documents related to slavery and helping to craft a vision for how the stories they tell can be brought into the classroom.
Curtis Kline '24 is spending his summer working with an organization in New York focused on public artists.
At the Hasta ’Bajo Project in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Figueroa is spending the summer researching the history and culture of the popular dance music genre.
September 8 - October 13, 2023 In Extra Medium | John Muse, the gallery is divided: in the front, clusters of framed collages, a vitrine of journals and smaller works, and a large video projection of cut and painted paper; in the back, a studio where Muse works for the duration of the exhibition on more video, more collages, and more journals. Curated by Homay King, the exhibition is accompanied by a broadsheet publication, a program of Muse’s short films, and interactive games featuring guest collaborators.