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Electronics Recycling
- General Public
Event Calendar
Help us celebrate Earth Week by participating in an electronics recycling drive. This event is a collaboration between Haverford's Committee for Environmental Responsibility (CER), the Arboretum, and PAR-Recycleworks. Large appliances, light bulbs, and batteries will not be accepted. All data on devices is wiped and destroyed.
This event will take place in the South Lot. The drive will then be open to the entire community from 12:00 noon - 2:00 p.m. Most items are able to be recycled free of cost, but some items have a cost in order to ensure they are properly taken apart for recycling. Payment can be via cash, or check (Made Payable to: PAR Recycleworks) the fees are as follows:
Older CRT Monitors and TVs: $40 - $80 (depending on size)
Flatscreen TVs: $25 each
Flatscreen Computer Monitors: $7 each
Air Conditioners, Dehumidifiers, and Air Purifiers: $25 each
Microwaves: $15 each
Members of the Haverford College Community (Students, Staff, and Faculty only) will be able to recycle their electronics from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon on the same day, free of charge. To register for a timeslot as a student, staff, or faculty member of Haverford College please utilize the following Google Calendar:
For more information on PAR-Recycleworks please visit:
To register to attend as a member of the community from 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. please visit here