"Reading as Experimental Performance: Holdup and Mirror" with Honglan Huang '16
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Join the Libraries and the Comparative Literature department for a Young Academic Alumni Lecture by Honglan Huang '16!
This will be a hybrid talk, join the Zoom here.
And don't miss Honglan's puppetry workshop with the HCAC at noon on 1/31 in the VCAM lounge!
How does the material book make reading visible to us? What happens when the book, beyond simply offering us a story, asks us to pay attention to how we read—where we place our thumbs, how our muscles respond to the weight of the book, and what kind of gaze we lay upon the pages? How does the embodied experience of reading teach us to think conceptually about reading as a dynamic, tensile process? This talk addresses these questions through close readings of two artists’ books, Holdup by Keith Godard and Emmett Williams, and Mirror by Suzy Lee. Both books direct sustained attention to the relationship between reader and book and help us understand how the two perform together in reading.
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