VCAMBient Session #16: “Each Year I Wait and Watch” with Mark Menjívar and Matt O'Hare
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“Each Year I Wait and Watch” with Mark Menjívar and Matt O'Hare
VCAMBient Session #16: “Each Year I Wait and Watch” with Mark Menjívar and Matt O'Hare
In collaboration with artist Mark Menjívar, composer and Visiting Assistant Professor of Visual Studies Matt O'Hare will perform an improvised set combining modular synthesizer with the amplified sound of an atomic clock. The performance is in response to Menjívar's piece "Each year I wait and watch for the goldfinches to visit," now on display as part of Currently at the Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery.
Menjívar describes this particular work as "reflecting on the words of Harvey Earving, who has been on Texas death row for 44 years," and cites the following quote from Mr. Earving:
"With time being an abstract (and a construct) there are so many ways of thinking about it aside from, say, January 1, to February 5. There is the feeling (the loneliness of time), the effect of time (growing old and senile), how time is thought of and measured (each year I wait and watch for the goldfinches to visit). Time can represent the beginning of something and, in the reverse, the beginning of something can punctuate time like a dot."
Currently will remain on display until March 3rd.
More details at https://exhibits.haverford.edu/currently/
VCAMbient is a weekly curated series in which music–played live or via recordings by members of the Bi-Co community–will play at low volume Wednesdays noon-1pm in the VCAM Lounge.
Interested? You can propose to play someone else’s music, or (even better) your own, as long as the volume level is kept low. Contact Hurford Center Director Gus Stadler at gstadler [at] haverford.edu with your idea for a VCAMbient session.