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Department of Biology
A revolutionary expansion is occurring in our ability to understand the structure and function of living organisms at the cellular and molecular levels, and the traditional lines that used to demarcate the areas of genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, and cell physiology have dissolved, particularly in the research laboratory. Students may also take Biology courses or major in Biology at Bryn Mawr College.
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About the Course Listings
Four views and tools each provide different ways of exploring the curriculum.
- Current Year Courses for this Department or Program lists only currently-offered classes, and includes scheduling and instructor information.
- The Three-Year Planner for this Department or Program lists all courses (in numerical order) offered during the current year and the last two years. Use it to understand the full course offerings from the department and how frequently courses are offered. This list does not include any scheduling information; instructor information is only historical and is likely to change in future years.
- The Tri-Co Course Search Engine lists the current offerings for all departments and programs at Haverford, Bryn Mawr, and Swarthmore Colleges, and includes scheduling and instructor information.
- The HC Academic Catalog Course Search Engine includes faceted searching (by division, domain, department, major, minor, and other fields) for all courses offered in the current year and the last two years. It does not contain scheduling information, but like the Three-Year Planner, can help you discover related interests and understand the typical pattern of offerings from year to year. This tool does not include all Bryn Mawr offerings.
Fall 2024: Haverford
Registration-ID | Course Name | Instructor | Misc | Days and Times | Location |
BIOLH200A001 | Evolution, Genetics & Genomics | Miller,Eric Comstock,Jessica | Class Nbr: 1154 Lim: 35 ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 10:00am-10:55am
F 11:30am-12:25pm | SHAAUD,SHAAUD |
BIOLH200A002 | Evolution, Genetics & Genomics | Miller,Eric Comstock,Jessica | Class Nbr: 1408 Lim: 35 ; Hav: NA, C | MWF 11:30am-12:25pm
BIOLH200A003 | Evolution, Genetics & Genomics | Comstock,Jessica Miller,Eric | Class Nbr: 1409 Lim: 35 ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 10:00am-10:55am
F 11:30am-12:25pm | SHA113,SHAAUD |
BIOLH200A004 | Evolution, Genetics & Genomics | Comstock,Jessica Miller,Eric | Class Nbr: 1697 Lim: 35 ; Hav: NA, C | MWF 11:30am-12:25pm
BIOLH200A00A | Evolution, Genetics & Genomics | Maas,Nancy Lang,Shirley | Class Nbr: 1155 Lim: 24 ; Hav: NA | T 01:00pm-03:55pm
T 01:00pm-02:25pm | SHA118,SHA113 |
BIOLH200A00B | Evolution, Genetics & Genomics | Dietterich,Lee Lang,Shirley | Class Nbr: 1156 Lim: 24 ; Hav: NA | W 01:00pm-03:55pm
W 01:00pm-02:25pm | SHA118,SHA113 |
BIOLH200A00C | Evolution, Genetics & Genomics | Dietterich,Lee Lang,Shirley | Class Nbr: 1157 Lim: 24 ; Hav: NA, C | Th 01:00pm-03:55pm
Th 01:00pm-02:25pm | SHA118,SHA113 |
BIOLH200A00D | Evolution, Genetics & Genomics | Maas,Nancy Lang,Shirley | Class Nbr: 1158 Lim: 24 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA, C | F 01:00pm-03:55pm
F 01:00pm-02:25pm | SHA118,SHA113 |
BIOLH200A00E | Evolution, Genetics & Genomics | Dietterich,Lee Maas,Nancy Lang,Shirley | Class Nbr: 1698 Lim: 24 ; Hav: NA, C | F 08:30am-11:25am
F 08:30am-09:55am | SHA118,SHA113 |
BIOLH300A001 | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 1 | Hutinet,Geoffrey Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 1433 Lim: 32 ; Hav: NA, C | MM 01:00pm-02:25pm
BIOLH300A00A | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 1 | Hutinet,Geoffrey Cooke,Amy Hoang,Rachel | Class Nbr: 1431 Lim: 16 ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH300A00B | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 1 | Hutinet,Geoffrey Cooke,Amy Hoang,Rachel | Class Nbr: 1432 Lim: 16 ; Hav: NA, C | WF 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH300D001 | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 1 | Hutinet,Geoffrey Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 1171 BMC: II; Hav: NA, C | M 01:00pm-02:25pm
BIOLH300D00A | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 1 | Hutinet,Geoffrey Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 1172 Hav: NA, C | TTh 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH300D00B | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 1 | Hutinet,Geoffrey Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 1173 Hav: NA, C | WF 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH300E001 | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 1 | Hutinet,Geoffrey Hoang,Rachel | Class Nbr: 1174 BMC: II; Hav: NA, C | M 01:00pm-02:25pm
BIOLH300E00A | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 1 | Hutinet,Geoffrey Hoang,Rachel | Class Nbr: 1175 Hav: NA, C | TTh 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH300E00B | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 1 | Hutinet,Geoffrey Hoang,Rachel | Class Nbr: 1176 Hav: NA, C | WF 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH302A001 | Advanced Lab in Neuroscience | Jain,Roshan | Class Nbr: 1709 Lim: 16 ; Hav: NA, C | M 01:00pm-02:25pm
| SHA510 |
BIOLH302A00A | Advanced Lab in Neuroscience | Jain,Roshan | Class Nbr: 1710 Lim: 16 ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 01:00pm-03:55pm
| SHA510 |
BIOLH312D001 | Development & Evolution | Hoang,Rachel | Class Nbr: 2519 Lim: 25 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 08:30am-09:55am
| HLS108 |
BIOLH314D001 | Biochemistry: Metabolic Basis of Disease | Fairman,Robert | Class Nbr: 2520 Lim: 25 ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 10:00am-11:25am
| HLS108 |
BIOLH314D002 | Biochemistry: Metabolic Basis of Disease | Fairman,Robert | Class Nbr: 2922 Lim: 25 ; Hav: NA, C | MW 10:00am-11:25am
| UN114 |
BIOLH328E001 | Immunology | Wodzanowski,Kimberly | Class Nbr: 2921 BMC: II; Hav: NA, C | M 07:30pm-09:55pm
| HLS108 |
BIOLH334E001 | Biochemistry of Gene Expression | Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 2517 Lim: 25 ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 10:00am-11:25am
| HLS108 |
BIOLH338E001 | Biostatistics | Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 2521 Lim: 25 ; Hav: NA, QU, C | MW 10:00am-11:25am
| ESTW115 |
BIOLH338E002 | Biostatistics | Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 2522 Lim: 25 ; Hav: NA, QU, C | TTh 08:30am-09:55am
| HLS108 |
BIOLH380F001 | Independent Study for Juniors | Comstock,Jessica | Class Nbr: 1181 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH380F002 | Independent Study for Juniors | Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 1501 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH380F003 | Independent Study for Juniors | Hutinet,Geoffrey | Class Nbr: 1778 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH380I001 | Independent Study for Juniors | Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 2769 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH380I002 | Independent Study for Juniors | Comstock,Jessica | Class Nbr: 2780 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH400A001 | Senior Research Tutorial at Off-Campus Research Labs | Department staff,TBA | Class Nbr: 1179 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH400F001 | Senior Research Tutorial at Off-Campus Research Labs | Department staff,TBA | Class Nbr: 1398 BMC: II; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH403A001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Protein Aggregation and Disease | Fairman,Robert | Class Nbr: 1162 Lim: 7 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA | F 11:30am-12:55pm
| LNKL205 |
BIOLH403F001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Protein Aggregation and Disease | Fairman,Robert | Class Nbr: 1163 Lim: 7 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH404A001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Microbiology | Miller,Eric | Class Nbr: 1166 Lim: 7 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH404A002 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Microbiology | Miller,Eric | Class Nbr: 1594 Lim: 7 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH405A001 | Senior Research Tutorial In Marine Natural Product Drug Discovery | Whalen,Kristen | Class Nbr: 1152 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA | F 09:30am-10:25am
| ESTW115 |
BIOLH405F001 | Senior Research Tutorial In Marine Natural Product Drug Discovery | Whalen,Kristen | Class Nbr: 1153 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH406A001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Developmental Biology and Evolution | Hoang,Rachel | Class Nbr: 1168 Lim: 7 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH406F001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Developmental Biology and Evolution | Hoang,Rachel | Class Nbr: 1169 Lim: 7 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH407A001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Bioarchitecture | Johnson,Karl | Class Nbr: 1164 Lim: 7 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA | Th 08:30am-09:25am
| SHA218 |
BIOLH407F001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Bioarchitecture | Johnson,Karl | Class Nbr: 1165 Lim: 7 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH409A001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Neurobiology | Jain,Roshan | Class Nbr: 1177 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH409F001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Neurobiology | Jain,Roshan | Class Nbr: 1178 Lim: 7 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH417A001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Genomics/Biochemistry | Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 1182 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH417F001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Genomics/Biochemistry | Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 1185 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH418A001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Evolutionary Genetics | Peng,Foen | Class Nbr: 1377 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH418F001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Evolutionary Genetics | Peng,Foen | Class Nbr: 1378 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH450E001 | Advanced Topics in Biology | Lunden,Jay | Class Nbr: 1446 Lim: 15 ; Hav: NA | T 07:30pm-09:55pm
| SHA113 |
BIOLH456D001 | Advanced Topics in Biology of Marine Life | Whalen,Kristen | Class Nbr: 2518 Lim: 15 ; Hav: NA | TTh 02:30pm-03:55pm
| SHA416 |
BIOLH480A001 | Independent Study for Seniors | Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 2966 Lim: 1 BMC: II; ; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH480F001 | Independent Study for Seniors | Fairman,Robert | Class Nbr: 2934 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH499J001 | Senior Department Studies | Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 1170 Hav: NA | M 02:30pm-03:55pm
Spring 2025: Haverford
Registration-ID | Course Name | Instructor | Misc | Days and Times | Location |
BIOLH201B001 | Biochemistry & Cell Physiology | Whalen,Kristen | Class Nbr: 1115 Lim: 35 ; Hav: NA, C | MWMW 11:30am-12:55pm
| SHA113,SHA113 |
BIOLH201B002 | Biochemistry & Cell Physiology | Whalen,Kristen | Class Nbr: 1325 Lim: 35 ; Hav: NA, C | TThTTh 10:00am-11:25am
| SHA113,SHA113 |
BIOLH201B003 | Biochemistry & Cell Physiology | Whalen,Kristen | Class Nbr: 1595 Lim: 35 ; Hav: NA, C | TThTTh 11:30am-12:55pm
| SHA113,SHA113 |
BIOLH201B00A | Biochemistry & Cell Physiology | Maas,Nancy Lang,Shirley | Class Nbr: 1116 Lim: 24 BMC: I; ; Hav: NA, C | T 01:00pm-03:55pm
T 01:00pm-02:25pm | SHA118,SHA113 |
BIOLH201B00B | Biochemistry & Cell Physiology | Jain,Roshan Lang,Shirley | Class Nbr: 1117 Lim: 24 BMC: None; ; Hav: NA, C | W 01:00pm-03:55pm
W 01:00pm-02:25pm | SHA118,SHA113 |
BIOLH201B00C | Biochemistry & Cell Physiology | Jain,Roshan Lang,Shirley | Class Nbr: 1118 Lim: 24 BMC: None; ; Hav: NA, C | Th 01:00pm-03:55pm
Th 01:00pm-02:25pm | SHA118,SHA113 |
BIOLH201B00D | Biochemistry & Cell Physiology | Maas,Nancy Lang,Shirley | Class Nbr: 1119 Lim: 24 BMC: None; ; Hav: NA, C | F 01:00pm-03:55pm
F 01:00pm-02:25pm | SHA118,SHA113 |
BIOLH301B001 | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 2 | Miller,Eric Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 1443 Lim: 32 ; Hav: NA, C | MM 01:00pm-02:25pm
| SHA113,SHA113 |
BIOLH301B002 | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 2 | Comstock,Jessica Baumgarten,Joni | Class Nbr: 2676 Lim: 32 ; Hav: NA, C | MM 01:00pm-02:25pm
| SHA430,SHA430 |
BIOLH301B00A | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 2 | Miller,Eric Comstock,Jessica Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 1441 Lim: 16 ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH301B00B | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 2 | Miller,Eric Comstock,Jessica Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 1442 Lim: 16 ; Hav: NA, C | WF 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH301G001 | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 2 | Miller,Eric | Class Nbr: 1120 Hav: NA, C | M 01:00pm-02:25pm
| SHA113 |
BIOLH301G00A | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 2 | Miller,Eric | Class Nbr: 1121 Hav: NA, C | TTh 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH301G00B | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 2 | Miller,Eric | Class Nbr: 1122 Hav: NA, C | WF 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH301H001 | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 2 | Comstock,Jessica Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 1123 Hav: NA, C | M 01:00pm-02:25pm
| SHA113 |
BIOLH301H00A | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 2 | Comstock,Jessica Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 1124 Hav: NA, C | TTh 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH301H00B | Advanced Lab in Biology Sem 2 | Comstock,Jessica Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 1125 Hav: NA, C | WF 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW105 |
BIOLH303B001 | Laboratory in Biochemical Research | Cooke,Amy Raza,Md Kausar | Class Nbr: 1339 Lim: 16 ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 11:30am-12:25pm
| ESTW115 |
BIOLH303B00A | Laboratory in Biochemical Research | Cooke,Amy Raza,Md Kausar | Class Nbr: 1340 Lim: 16 BMC: I; ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 01:00pm-03:55pm
| ESTW106 |
BIOLH311H001 | Advanced Genetic Analysis | Maas,Nancy | Class Nbr: 2677 Lim: 25 ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 10:00am-11:25am
| STO16 |
BIOLH320G001 | Molecular Microbiology | Comstock,Jessica | Class Nbr: 2549 Lim: 25 ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 10:00am-11:25am
| CHS101 |
BIOLH329G001 | Comparative Cell Biology of Invertebrates | Lunden,Jay | Class Nbr: 2437 Lim: 25 ; Hav: NA, C | T 07:30pm-09:55pm
| SHA113 |
BIOLH335G001 | Bioinformatics | Hutinet,Geoffrey | Class Nbr: 2678 Lim: 25 ; Hav: NA, C | MW 10:00am-11:25am
| STO4 |
BIOLH339H001 | Ecology | Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 2907 Lim: 25 ; Hav: NA, C | TTh 10:00am-11:25am
| CHS101 |
BIOLH380B001 | Independent Study for Juniors | Whalen,Kristen | Class Nbr: 2946 Hav: NA | M 09:00am-09:55am
| LNKL205 |
BIOLH380B002 | Independent Study for Juniors | Fairman,Robert | Class Nbr: 2954 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH380B003 | Independent Study for Juniors | Hoang,Rachel | Class Nbr: 3000 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH380B004 | Independent Study for Juniors | Class Nbr: 3188 Hav: NA | Th 09:00am-11:25am
| ||
BIOLH380B005 | Independent Study for Juniors | Jain,Roshan | Class Nbr: 3236 Hav: NA | Th 08:30am-09:55am
| SHA416 |
BIOLH380I001 | Independent Study for Juniors | Comstock,Jessica | Class Nbr: 1130 Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH380I002 | Independent Study for Juniors | Dietterich,Lee | Class Nbr: 1487 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH380I003 | Independent Study for Juniors | Hutinet,Geoffrey | Class Nbr: 1782 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH380I004 | Independent Study for Juniors | Miller,Eric | Class Nbr: 3092 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH380I005 | Independent Study for Juniors | Jain,Roshan | Class Nbr: 3237 Hav: NA | Th 08:30am-09:55am
| SHA416 |
BIOLH400B001 | Senior Research Tutorial at Off-Campus Research Labs | Department staff,TBA | Class Nbr: 1144 Lim: 10 ; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH400I001 | Senior Research Tutorial at Off-Campus Research Labs | Department staff,TBA | Class Nbr: 1145 BMC: II; Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH403B001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Protein Aggregation and Disease | Fairman,Robert | Class Nbr: 1132 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | F 01:30pm-02:55pm
| SHA416 |
BIOLH403I001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Protein Aggregation and Disease | Fairman,Robert | Class Nbr: 1133 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH404B001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Microbiology | Miller,Eric | Class Nbr: 1134 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH404I001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Microbiology | Miller,Eric | Class Nbr: 1135 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH405B001 | Senior Research Tutorial In Marine Natural Product Drug Discovery | Whalen,Kristen | Class Nbr: 1126 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | M 09:00am-09:55am
| ESTW115 |
BIOLH405I001 | Senior Research Tutorial In Marine Natural Product Drug Discovery | Whalen,Kristen | Class Nbr: 1127 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH406B001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Developmental Biology and Evolution | Hoang,Rachel | Class Nbr: 1136 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | F 10:00am-11:00am
| LNKL205 |
BIOLH406I001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Developmental Biology and Evolution | Hoang,Rachel | Class Nbr: 1137 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH407B001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Bioarchitecture | Johnson,Karl | Class Nbr: 1138 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | Th 08:30am-09:25am
| SHA218 |
BIOLH407I001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Bioarchitecture | Johnson,Karl | Class Nbr: 1139 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH409B001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Neurobiology | Jain,Roshan | Class Nbr: 1140 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | Th 08:30am-09:55am
| SHA416 |
BIOLH409I001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Neurobiology | Jain,Roshan | Class Nbr: 1141 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | Th 08:30am-09:55am
| SHA416 |
BIOLH417B001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Genomics/Biochemistry | Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 1146 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | Th 09:00am-10:00am
| LNKL205 |
BIOLH417I001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Molecular Genomics/Biochemistry | Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 1147 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH418B001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Evolutionary Genetics | Peng,Foen | Class Nbr: 1345 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH418I001 | Senior Research Tutorial in Evolutionary Genetics | Peng,Foen | Class Nbr: 1346 Lim: 7 ; Hav: NA, C | ||
BIOLH450H001 | Advanced Topics in Biology | Comstock,Jessica | Class Nbr: 2679 Lim: 15 ; Hav: NA | MW 10:00am-11:25am
| LNKL205 |
BIOLH451H001 | Molecular Motors and Biological Nano-Machines | Johnson,Karl | Class Nbr: 2546 Lim: 15 BMC: II; | Th 01:30pm-03:55pm
| SHA416 |
BIOLH453G001 | Advanced Topics in Neurobiology: Neural Control of Gene Expression | Haskell,Dustin | Class Nbr: 2680 Lim: 15 ; Hav: NA, C | M 07:30pm-09:55pm
| LNKL205 |
BIOLH480B001 | Independent Study for Seniors | Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 3011 Hav: NA | ||
BIOLH499J001 | Senior Department Studies | Cooke,Amy | Class Nbr: 1131 Hav: NA, C | M 02:30pm-03:55pm