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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Spring 2024 |
Registration ID | RELGH321B001 |
Course Title | Blackness in Islam: Race, Slavery and Gender in Early Muslim Culture |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Religion |
Instructor | Ha,Guangtian |
Times and Days | Th 01:30pm-03:55pm
Room Location | SHA416 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 2854 This course uses medieval Arabic prose and poetry most of them with English translations as well as contemporary academic literature to introduce students to the intricate and embattled histories of Blackness in classical Islam. While our understanding of B/blackness in the Euro-American context is heavily determined by the constraining experience of the trans-Atlantic slave trade, notions of B/blackness and ideas of anti-racism also exhibit a wider and richer genealogy if we shift our attention to the wider Indian Ocean world that encompasses Africa, Arabia, Persia, and Asia. ; Pre-requisite(s): One course in Religion, Anthropology, Arabic or Middle Eastern Studies, or permission of the instructor; Enrollment Limit: none Humanities, B: Analysis of the Social World, A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts) (; Hav: HU, B, A) |
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