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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Spring 2024 |
Registration ID | PEACH331B001 |
Course Title | Carceral/Abolition Technologies |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Peace, Justice and Human Rights |
Instructor | Minocher,Xerxes |
Times and Days | W 01:30pm-03:55pm
Room Location | VCAM102 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 2855 This seminar explores how technologies have been deployed to expand the carceral web of the prison-industrial complex, and the simultaneous resistances by abolitionist movements to create alternative futures and spaces both historically and presently. With an expansive understanding of technology, this class interrogates the construction of race, prisons, policing, and todays AI systems in the US as methods of classification, containment, and control. Abolitionist, black feminist, and critical perspectives will be integrated into the discussion.; Pre-requisite(s): Introductory or intermediate course in PJHR or consent of instructor; Lottery Preference: PJHR Concentrators, then Computer Science students.; Enrollment Limit: 15.00 Social Science, B: Analysis of the Social World (; Hav: SO, B) |
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