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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Fall 2023 |
Registration ID | WRPRH142A001 |
Course Title | Passing, Mixing, (Re)Producing: Race & Intimacy in American Discourse |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Gender and Sexuality Studies |
Instructor | McNair,Connie |
Times and Days | TTh 10:00am-11:25am
Room Location | HLL201 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 2844 In this course, students will close-read narrative and filmic depictions of transcending, transgressing, and violating racial borders, thinking about what these narratives reflect and what they produce when it comes to understandings of race, gender and sexuality. Well look at the effects of both transgressive and progressive figurations of racial mixture and mixed race individuals, considering what functions these discourses play in larger schemas of American politics, ideologies and affects.; Lottery Preference: First year students as assigned by the Director of College Writing; Enrollment Limit: 12.00 First Year Writing (Hav: FW) |
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