Alternative Spring Break 2023

The Marilou Allen Office of Service & Community Collaboration’s Alternative Break experiences have become hallmark programs, offering students a chance to get to know and provide services for our Ardmore partner organizations while gaining a deeper sense of community and belonging. This spring, David, Daniel, Joseph, and Quinn participated in Alternative Spring Break (ASB), spending their time off giving back and learning about their neighborhood beyond Haverford’s campus.
A special thank you to those who contributed generously to the Randy Milden Memorial Fund, which funded this experience. Milden served as dean of students at Haverford for 10 years. She was dedicated to supporting, empowering, and providing inclusive spaces for students.
Monday was spent getting to know each other, team building, and doing some leadership development activities, including taking the Clifton Strengths assessment. We also heard from the Center for Career and Professional Advising and the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship about other ways to get involved in the community through jobs and fellowships.
“Today I was made aware of the issues that are right at our doorstep but I also learned about the many resources on campus through which students can get involved and make a change for the better.”

Common Space of Ardmore
Common Space of Ardmore provides a shared space where people of all ages, races, abilities, ethnicities, and economic backgrounds make connections and cross boundaries. They offer creative programming that includes classes, workshops, and discussion groups, as well as a community space to learn, meet, share, and enjoy a tasty treat. They create fair-wage jobs for community members with many talents and abilities who are seeking part-time/flexible employment and appreciate a place to belong. They partner with school and educational institutions, small businesses, and organizations to achieve their mission. Their vision is that community members know each other and value diversity with an open mind, kind heart, and thoughtful conversation.
Today, students put together treats to be sold, made bouquets of flowers and distributed them to neighbors, and helped prepare for a big fundraiser by passing out information and making bowls that will be sold to raise funds for the organization.
“Common Space fills an important role as something of a community center, so visiting local businesses and spreading the word about Common Space is another way to invite people and foster connections; after all, a community center without community is just an empty building.”

Neighbors Helping Neighbors on the Mainline
Neighbors Helping Neighbors on the Main Line (NHN) is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization created in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. They provide support to families in need in Lower Merion Township and the greater Philadelphia region, through their programming in Food Security, Education Empowerment, Advocacy, and Basic Needs Assistance. NHN strives to serve as a continual source of support to the most vulnerable residents in our region, especially children and seniors. NHN is made up of local volunteers, who are dedicated to creating racial equity and unity. They believe the combined efforts of neighbors will lead to the success and well-being of our entire community.
At NHN, participants sorted through food donations and put together bags of food and supplies for local families.
“It was our job to sort through donated items and assemble family-sized bags of groceries for local families. I wasn't aware of the level of food insecurity that existed in Ardmore, especially because of the more affluent neighborhoods along the Main Line and the ritzy shopping center at Suburban Square. It's important that those who are in need don't go overlooked.”

Bethel Academy/Bethel AME Church of Ardmore
Bethel Academy/Bethel AME Church of Ardmore is the home of various community outreach activities and programs providing critical community support to local residents. These activities/projects include: Bethel Academy, a free after school program, the Bethel Community Garden/Ardmore Victory Garden program, COVID-19 Vaccination Outreach and Clinics and many, many others.
Students had a busy day at Bethel, which included lots of gardening and making phone calls to neighbors to promote their upcoming home gardening course and seed giveaway.
“The experience reminded me of the value of volunteering for organizations like the Bethel community gardens, as I witnessed how important fresh produce and home-garden beds are to people's everyday lives. It made me so happy to hear folks rave about their home gardens and expressed excitement to pick up some of the new seedlings we planted earlier that day. I loved every minute of our time at Bethel, and can't wait to volunteer there again!”

The Junior League
The Junior League is a nonprofit educational women's volunteer organization aimed at improving communities and the social, cultural, and political fabric of civil society. There are currently 291 Junior League chapters throughout the world. The Junior League of Philadelphia Thrift Shop is the main source of fundraising for the Junior League of Philadelphia.
At the shop, participants sorted and tagged donations and put together display items.
“Like other chapters, the goal of Ardmore's Junior League is tailored to the local community, in this case it aims to address food insecurity.”
“I remember admiring the organization's dedication to addressing the Ardmore community's evolving needs.”

Friday Dinner
“It was fun getting to know my group mates and interesting to learn about how local organizations have been tackling problems in the Ardmore community. This experience made me feel more connected to the larger community.”
“I felt very connected to my community and Haverford peers alike. It was a very intimate and enriching experience.”

“As I walk away from the experiences of the week, my main takeaway is that I now look at Haverford College from a different perspective. I no longer view Haverford College solely as its own community, removed from surrounding neighborhoods. Instead, I understand that we are part of the larger community and as such have a responsibility to help our neighbors.”