2022 Philosophy Senior Majors (from left to right) Sam Aronson, Marina Kesicki and Oliver Bates with their selected 2021-2022 Roland Altherr Memorial Speaker, Prof. Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen)
Department of Philosophy
Annual Events

The 33rd Annual Roland Altherr Memorial Symposium In Philosophy
Public Lecture
"Structuralism and its Legacy: The New Lives of Signs"
Catherine Malabou, Professor of Philosophy, European Graduate School
Saturday, November 9
4:00 p.m.—6:00 p.m.
VCAM 201
Saturday, November 9
6:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.
VCAM Lounge
Roland Altherr Memorial Symposium in Philosophy

Roland Altherr was a philosophy major of the class of 1981 who died of a brain hemorrhage in the fall of his senior year. In his memory, Roland's family and friends have created a generous fund that has allowed the Philosophy Department to acquire important volumes and series in philosophy for the library. The fund also supports the annual Roland Altherr Memorial Symposium in Philosophy. Each year, the senior philosophy majors choose a philosopher to invite to campus. In preparation for the symposium visit, the senior majors and philosophy department faculty read and discuss select works of the invited speaker prior to their arrival. Once on campus, the Altherr speaker delivers a public lecture and the next day meets with the philosophy seniors in an intimate seminar format. Each year the seminar allows senior majors a unique and rewarding opportunity to engage a prominent philosopher in depth on various philosophical issues.
Past Symposia
- March 2, 2024
Homi K. Bhabha
Harvard University
"Life-Death and Traumatic Racism" - November 12, 2022
Robert J. Gooding-Williams
Columbia University
"Du Bois and the Idea of Beauty" - January 29, 2022
Dan Zahavi
University of Copenhagen, University of Oxford
"We and I" - October 1, 2021
Alva Noë
University of California, Berkeley
"Themes from Entanglement" - November 16, 2019
Lewis Gordon
Professor of Philosophy, University of Connecticut
"Decolonizing Black Aesthetics" - February 23, 2019
Gayatri Spivak
University Professor in the Humanities, Columbia University
"Complicity" - December 2, 2017
Seyla Benhabib
Eugene Mayer Professor of Political Science and Philosophy, Yale University
"‘The Right to have Rights’: On the Contemporary Significance of Hannah Arendt’s Phrase" - November 12, 2016
Louise Antony
Professor of Philosophy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
"From Causes to Reasons: How Perception Can Justify Belief" - November 14, 2015
Galen Strawson
Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas, Austin
"The Primacy of Panpsychism" - November 8, 2014
Paul Snowdon
Professor of Philosophy, University College London
"Wittgenstein on Rule Following" - November 2, 2013
Charles Mills
John Evans Professor of Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Northwestern University
"Decolonizing Western Political Philosophy" - November 17, 2012
Miranda Fricker
Professor of Philosophy, The University of Sheffield, U.K.
"Epistemic Justice as a Condition of Political Freedom?" - October 29, 2011
Hubert Dreyfus
Professor of Philosophy in the Graduate School at University of California, Berkeley
"Rationality and Emodied Coping: McDowell"s Myth of the Pervasiveness of the Mental." - November 6, 2010
Naomi Zack
Professor of Philosophy, University of Oregon
"The Ethics and Mores of Race: Equality after the History of Philosophy" - November 7, 2009
Jay Bernstein
University Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, New School for Social Research
"Rape: Towards a Moral Ontology of the Body" - November 15, 2008
John McDowell
Professor of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh
"I Do What Happens" - November 3, 2007
Julia Annas
Regents Professor of Philosophy, University of Arizona
"The Unity of Virtue" - February 3, 2007
Linda Alcoff
Laura J. and Douglas Meredith Professor of Philosophy at Syracuse, University of Syracuse
Visible Identities: Race, Gender and the Self
- March 2, 2024
- November 12, 2005
Myles Burnyeat
Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Robinson College, Cambridge
"Justice Writ Large and Small: Social and Personal Harmony in Republic IV" - November 13, 2004
Roger Ames
Humanities Professor, Peking University, China
"Making This Life Significant: Taking Creativity Seriously" - October 23, 2003
Robert B. Pippin
Evelyn Stefansson Nef Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago
"Hegel"s Practical Realism: Rational Agency as Ethical Life" - November 7, 2002
Arthur C. Danto
Johnsonian Professor of Philosophy, Columbia University
"Beauty and the Definition of Art" - March 21, 2001
Judith Butler
Hannah Arendt Chair and Professor of Philosophy, The European Graduate School
"Is Kinship Always Already Heterosexual?" - September 23, 2000
Richard J. Bernstein
Vera List Professor of Philosophy, The New School for Social Research
"Radical Evil: Arendt and Kant" - November 13, 1999
Stanley Cavell
Professor of Philosophy, Harvard University
"Night and Day: Heidegger and Thoreau" - November 7, 1998
Susan Wolf
Edna J. Koury Distinguished Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
"Meaningful Lives in a Meaningless World" - November 8, 1997
Alexander Nehamas
Edmund N. Carpenter II Class of 1943 Professor in the Humanities, Professor of Comparative Literature, Princeton University
"A Reason for Socrates’ Face: Nietzsche on ‘The Problem of Socrates’" - November 9, 1996
Martha C. Nussbaum
Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics, University of Chicago
"Emotions as Judgments of Value" - April 21, 1996
John Searle
Willis S. and Marion Slusser Professor Emeritus of the Philosophy of Mind and Language and Professor of the Graduate School, University of California, Berkeley
"The Construction of Social Reality" - March 25, 1995
Richard Rorty
Professor of Comparative Literature and Philosophy, Stanford University
"Religious Faith, Intellectual Responsibility and Romance" - April 16, 1994
Sara Ruddick
Professor of Philosophy and Women’s Studies, New School for Social Research
"Injustice in Families: Assault and Domination" - March 27, 1993
Amélie Rorty
Bernard Williams, Ashok Gangadean, Lucius Outlaw
"What Is Philosophy?"
- November 12, 2005

Photo by Roger Lin '25
Fall and Spring Receptions
Each semester the Philosophy department hosts a reception so students can socialize with faculty and current Philosophy majors and minors, learn more about the course offerings, and have refreshments.
Undergraduate Philosophy Consortium
Every year, Haverford’s Philosophy department holds the Undergraduate Philosophy Consortium, which celebrates students’ philosophical work from past years. A panel comprised of the two Department Representatives and a Philosophy department alum will select six papers from those submitted by students, hear presentations of those papers, and then select two winners: one from papers written for 100-level courses and one from those written for 200- & 300-level courses, both of whom will receive a cash prize!