Mar. 25: Getting CPGC Funding to Support Community-led Teaching and Scholarship

Virtual Event: How can Haverford faculty utlize CPGC funding to support local and global community-led initiatives?
Thursday, March 25
4-5 p.m. EDT
Register here to receive the Zoom link
Open to Haverford College faculty only
Hear from faculty who have leveraged Center for Peace and Global Citizenship funding into larger successful funding applications and who have utilized CPGC funding to support local initiatives that advance inclusion. Learn how to leverage CPGC opportunities to advance your own community-engaged teaching, service-learning course, or participatory scholarship.
About the panelists and their work:
Brook Lillehaugen
CPGC funding has supported Ling 215: Structure of Colonial Valley Zapotec, through funding student travel, funding community partner travel, supporting connections virtually (through Zoom), funding translation, and funding student assistants. Overall, this work has supported a thriving project that is in partnership with Zapotec activists and educators.
Kristin Lindgren
For the past six years, students in Critical Disability Studies (Health Studies 304) and artists at the Center for Creative Works (CCW) have partnered to create art, community, and art exhibitions. A vocational art studio for intellectually and developmentally disabled adults, CCW supports their participants as artists and as members of the larger community. CPGC and HCAH funding have enabled us to build a sustained, reciprocal relationship in which students learn from artists in CCW studios and CCW artists learn alongside students in Haverford's Biology labs, Arboretum, and Maker Arts Space. CPGC has offered crucial and ongoing support by funding art materials and community-building activities such as shared meals in the Dining Center.
Lina Martinez Hernandez
The CPGC has provided funding for our Intermediate Level classes in the Spanish Department in which we work together with Spanish-speaking communities in Philadelphia. Over the years, the funding the CPGC has provided has allowed us to collaborate with organizations like La Puerta Abierta, Puentes de Salud, Julia de Burgos Middle School, Mighty Writers "El Futuro", and, currently, the New Sanctuary Movement. The CPGC's support has been fundamental to create spaces that honor everyone's work, particularly the labor put in by our community partners, and to provide the resources (equipment, transportation, sustenance) needed for our different projects.
This event is part of the Center for Peace and Global Citizenship's 20th Anniversary series.