Library Building Update Series (Weeks of April 5 and April 12, 2019)

We've got drywall, floor tiles, light fixtures, carpet, and more!
Week of April 4:
Work on the curtain wall continues; drywall on Level 1 and Level 2 is being done; VCT (floor tiles) completed in Level 1 and it will be waxed in two weeks after the tile sets; plaster repair is occurring; brickwork on North and West elevations continues.
Week of April 12:
Glass installation continues; offices are being finished; processing room and cafe walls are being finished; light fixtures on Level 1 and Level 2 are being installed; Philips room ceilings are in; seminar room 211 walls are being completed; painting on Level 1 underway; carpet installation occurring in some offices. Glass filtering film selected over blinds for Events and Instruction room.