Guided by wildlife experts, the work should wrap up by Labor Day. It aims to shape a more favorable habitat and mitigate flooding.
Haverford Headlines

Haverford’s Office of Academic Resources helps students achieve their goals in a fun twist on a classic game.

A leading scholar of music in the Renaissance, Freedman has spent the past decade exploring “the digital humanities rabbit hole.”

Global Chinese Connection welcomed the Year of the Snake at their annual catered dinner.
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Through a virtual internship this summer, King is conducting a principal component analysis of 3,783 guide dog puppies.
This year, participants in VCAM’S Design + Make Summer Fellowship learned about video game design — and then made their own fun.
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The prospective political science major is engaged in two part-time summer experiences. Both are focused on the effects of criminal justice and the carceral system across the state.
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The history major is now an underwriting analyst for Walker & Dunlop, a national real estate financial services and advisory firm.
Summer Centered: Haitong Lian '27 Studies the Locomotion of Carolina Wolf Spiders on Complex Terrain
File under:The prospective physics major has gained valuable hands-on experience in her quest to improve the lives of others through medical engineering.
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Schefer, who majored in history at Haverford and minored in museum studies at Bryn Mawr, begins his career with an internship at New York’s South Street Seaport Museum.
Olivia D’Aulerio ’26 broke a long-held Haverford track record, but maybe more impressive is that she did it in her offseason for soccer.
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The neuroscience major identified her career path in disability studies and education during her four years at Haverford.
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For Davis, a prospective biology major, the research she’s pursuing at Haverford is deeply personal.
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Dr. Ira Reid: Haverford College’s Unsung Scholar Activist explores the impact of Haverford's first Black professor.
For two years, students at Haverford and the American University of Sharjah worked together online to study human rights. This spring break, they met in person.
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An economics and mathematics major with a minor in philosophy, Graham is a Research Assistant at the Brookings Institution Center on Health Policy, under its Economics Studies program.
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One of three Hurford Center creative interns, Otterbein is spending the summer as a programs intern for Abortion Access Front and creating a zine designed to educate the College community.
Eisape will pursue a PhD at the University of California Berkeley to explore the potential of brain-computer interfaces and natural language processing.
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