Community Gardens

Since the founding of Haverford College, community growers have worked with the land to produce food for their family and friends. Many folks who grew up in Ardmore remember coming to campus with their parents and grandparents to harvest produce from the community gardens, long before much of the campus was built. In an effort to honor and further the sense of community on which this project was built, we are excited to bring some changes to the Haverfarm Community Garden design.
Interested in a plot?
The community gardens are full for the 2024 growing season. If you would like to be added to the waitlist for 2025 and beyond, please fill out the form below.
Community Gardens Waitlist 2025
Community Garden Details
Leasing a Plot
Garden plots are distributed on a first come first serve basis. Please fill out the Interest Form to get on the list. Existing Gardeners should confirm their interest for the next season by mid January and pay the plot fee by February 1st. Plots will be assigned by the college, and you are not guaranteed to be in the same plot the following season. If, at any point, you are no longer able to care for your plot, please let staff know. Plots are non-transferable, but extenuating circumstances will be evaluated on a case by case scenario. If there are empty plots and no waitlist, you may lease a second plot.
Maintaining Your Garden
All plots must be maintained from May 1 to November 30th. Weed barriers like cardboard, fabric, wood chips, and straw are encouraged. Fabrics must be removed at the end of the year. Gardens that are not maintained or otherwise appear to be neglected or abandoned will be reassigned and mowed without a refund. Plots will be considered abandoned or neglected if:
- Weeds are higher than 12 inches
- More than a third of the plot is not under cultivation
- Regular harvesting or removal of crops is not evident
A neglected plot will lead to an email and phone notification that plot maintenance is urgent. If within one week, no progress has been made, the plot will be mowed and reassigned. If a gardener has difficulty maintaining their plot throughout the season, they will be asked to take a smaller plot the following year or may be denied a plot altogether. In half plots and beginner plots especially, please make sure to keep weeds down around the border of your plot so they don’t encroach on neighbors’ plots.
The community gardens have one shared well water pump. Permanently attached drip irrigation and timers are not allowed. Bucket watering is highly encouraged. If there are shared hoses, please be sure to wrap the hoses back up at the end of use to make it easier for the next gardener.
Pesticides and Fertilizers
Only organic growing methods are allowed. There will be no spraying of any inorganic pesticide, herbicide, or fertilizer. All organic pesticides must be approved by the college.
Do not leave any supplies, plants, or tools in the walkways and pathways. They must remain clear for safety and maintenance. Do not cultivate paths or plant anything between plots. These paths will be mowed regularly.
Restrictions on Planting
Plots are for annual plantings only. If you plant a perennial, please remove it at the end of the season. No trees, shrubs, or invasive berries. These are very difficult to remove, and trees and shrubs may shade out your neighbors’ plots. Please plant mint and other invasive herbs in pots only.
No fencing is allowed around individual plots.
Fresh compost can be dumped at the west end of the community gardens in the large pile used by the college Arboretum. No vegetable waste is permitted in this pile, only weeds, grass clippings, and leaves. Ready to use compost from Fairmount Park Organic Recycling Center is available on the east side of the gardens, across the road from the Haverfarm orchard. It is on top of, and covered by tarps. Please recover it when you are done to keep it from washing away.
Park along the road leaving enough space for a college vehicle to get by.
Shared Tool Shed
The shed in plot 14 is available for you to store any tools you’d like to leave at the gardens. It is understood that any tools in this shed may be shared among gardeners. Only the community gardeners will have the code to get into the shed, but store tools at your own risk. The college is not responsible for damage or loss of tools.