Weissinger, James R
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See if you can guess at which movie is being referenced with each track, or simply enjoy an hour-long credit roll.
VCAMbient: Roll Credits with Charles Woodard
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
VCAM Lounge
Cinema is an immersive experience, all the way up to the final moment before the credits roll and you are left sitting in a theater (or your couch) taking the whole thing in. Sometimes, this includes a memorable song. I find those ten minutes just after a film ends, as I walk out of a screening, to be great moments for contemplation and clarity. It's also great for getting a song stuck in your head.
Enjoy an hour of songs from the end credits of movies that I like. See if you can guess at which movie is being referenced with each track, or simply enjoy an hour-long credit roll.
Now in its fourth year, VCAMbient is an opportunity for students, staff, faculty, and guests to fill the cavernous space of VCAM with their favorite sounds–at a volume that permits the ongoing business of teaching, learning, and working in the building. Make a Spotify playlist, or better yet, bring an instrument, start playing/streaming, and see what happens. You can have a theme, or the theme can simply be "stuff I like."
Contact HCAH & VCAM Associate Director James Weissinger to sign up for your VCAMbient set! jweissin [at]