To shimmer, light refracts through translucent matter, diffracts off metallic surfaces. Sonic shimmers occur at different arpeggiatic durations, distilling different moods.
VCAMbient: notes on notes that shimmer
with Brooke
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
1 PM in VCAM Lounge
Now in its fourth year, VCAMbient is an opportunity for students, staff, faculty, and guests to fill the cavernous space of VCAM with their favorite sounds–at a volume that permits the ongoing business of teaching, learning, and working in the building. Make a Spotify playlist, or better yet, bring an instrument, start playing/streaming, and see what happens. You can have a theme, or the theme can simply be "stuff I like."
Contact HCAH & VCAM Associate Director James Weissinger to sign up for your VCAMbient set! jweissin [at]