Students returning to campus in mid-month from fall break were confronted with more than getting back into the academic swing of things — free tickets for a U.S. Sen. John Edwards Town Hall Meeting were available on campus.
During the break (October 13 to be precise), Kerry/Edwards volunteer Bruce Andrews '90 contacted the College to investigate possibilities for hosting the event. Pennsylvania has long been viewed as a key state in the 2004 presidential election and the Kerry/Edwards organization was seeking a suitable Main Line venue for a public event. Five days later, on October 18, Democratic candidates including U.S. Rep. Joseph Hoeffel gathered in the Alumni Field House before a standing-room-only crowd of approximately 2,000. Edwards, arriving fresh from the airport and a flight from Florida, took the stage at 4 p.m. and talked about the war in Iraq, terrorism, and national security before launching into a discussion of affordable health care.
Presidential hopefuls Dennis Kucinich and David Cobb also visited Haverford earlier in the year.