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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Spring 2025 |
Registration ID | VISTH239B001 |
Course Title | Visions of Justice: Intersectionality and Legal Consciousness in Asian Cinema |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Visual Studies |
Instructor | Schrago,Sophie |
Times and Days | TTh 10:00am-11:25am
Room Location | VCAM102,VCAM001 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 1559 This course aims to deepen understandings of Asian struggles for justice and representation through independent films by Asian (including diaspora) directors. We will analyze films that offer a window into legal and social movement struggles for gender justice, self-determination, and environmental justice.; Crosslisted: Visual Studies; Anthropology; East Asian Languages & Cultures; Peace, Justice and Human Rights; Enrollment Limit: 15; Lottery Preference(s): Equal preference to Visual Studies minors, Anthropology majors/minors, Peace, Justice and Human Rights concentrators, and East Asian Languages & Cultures majors/minors Social Science, A: Meaning, Interpretation (Texts) (; Hav: SO, A) |
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