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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Spring 2025 |
Registration ID | CMSCH304B001 |
Course Title | Computational Physics |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Computer Science |
Instructor | Singh,Vijay |
Times and Days | TTh 10:00am-11:25am
Room Location | STO4 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 1188 An introduction to the methods and problems of computational physics, including matrix methods, ordinary differential equations, integration, eigensystems, Monte Carlo techniques, Fourier analysis, and iterative methods. Course will include a substantial independent project.; Crosslisted: Physics, Astronomy, Computer Science; Prerequisite(s): PHYS H213, or PHYS B205 and PHYS B207, or instructor consent; Enrollment Limit: 18; Lottery preferences as follows:; Senior Physics, Astrophysics and astronomy majors ; Senior Scientific Computing Concentrators; Junior majors; Junior Scientific Computing Concentrators; Other Seniors; Sophomores; Freshmen Div: II; Natural Science, C: Physical and Natural Processes (; Hav: NA, C) |
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