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Campus | Haverford |
Semester | Fall 2023 |
Registration ID | ANTHH275A001 |
Course Title | Race and Representation in Documentary Filmmaking |
Credit | 1.00 |
Department | Visual Studies |
Instructor | Sertbulut,Zeynep |
Times and Days | TTh 11:30am-12:55pm
Room Location | VCAM201 |
Additional Course Info | Class Number: 1711 This is an introductory cross-listed (Visual Studies/Anthropology) production course on the theory and practice of documentary filmmaking through an exploration of race onscreen. The objective of the course is to enable students to build a critical awareness of the ways in which film and media in general perpetuate racist discourses and representations and explore how students can challenge such representations through their own filmmaking practices. As inspiration, we will watch and study a wide variety of innovative documentary films that bring alternative voices and histories to screen and read/watch filmmaker interviews. Classes will combine elements of a studio (sharing and critiquing filmmaking work in progress) and seminar (discussing weekly themes). ; Crosslisted: VIST.; Lottery Preference: Senior students in anthropology and visual studies have a priority to take this class.; Enrollment Limit: 12.00 Social Science, B: Analysis of the Social World, A: Creative Expression (; Hav: SO, B, A-CEXP) |
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