Russian Major and Minor (Bryn Mawr)
The Russian major is a multidisciplinary program designed to provide students with a broad understanding of Russian culture and the Russophone world.
Curriculum & Courses
The major places a strong emphasis on the development of functional proficiency in the Russian language. Language study is combined with a specific area of concentration to be selected from the fields of Russian literature, history, economics, language/linguistics, or area studies.
Major Requirements
A total of 10 courses is required to complete the major:
- two in Russian language at the 200 level or above
- four in the area of concentration, two at the 200 level and two at the 300 level or above (for the concentration in area studies, the four courses must be in four different fields)
- three in Russian fields outside the area of concentration
- either RUSS B398, Senior Essay, or RUSS B399, Senior Conference.
Russian majors have the option of fulfilling the College’s writing requirement through Writing Attentive (WA) courses either through upper-level Russian language courses, where the focus is on writing in Russian, or through 200-level courses on Russian literature (in translation), culture or film, where the focus is on writing in English. Majors also have the option of completing one WA course in Russian and one WA course in English.
Majors are encouraged to pursue advanced language study in Russia in summer, semester, or year-long academic programs. Majors may also take advantage of intensive immersion language courses offered during the summer by the Bryn Mawr Russian Language Institute. As part of the requirement for RUSS B398/RUSS B399, all Russian majors take senior comprehensive examinations that cover the area of concentration and Russian language competence.
Requirements for Honors
All Russian majors are considered for departmental honors at the end of their senior year. The awarding of honors is based on a student’s overall academic record and all work done in the major.
Minor Requirements
Students wishing to minor in Russian must complete six units at the 100 level or above, two of which must be in the Russian language.
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